Nail Buying Guide

While dabbing with concentrates is increasingly popular, the process of acquiring the necessary equipment can be perplexing for many. After selecting your bong and a suitable torch, the next challenge is choosing the right nail. With options like domed or domeless, and materials ranging from quartz to titanium or ceramic, making a decision can be overwhelming. This guide is designed to simplify your choices!

Domed vs. Domeless Nails

Domed Nails: These attachments fit over the nail and downstem of your water pipe, creating a dome around the heated nail with an open top for dab-tool access. They prevent accidental contact with the hot nail and help trap vapor for efficient dabbing. Typically made of glass, domes are often paired with glass nails.

Domeless Nails: Designed for convenience, domeless nails often use materials other than glass. They typically feature a single connection to the downstem and a larger heating plate than domed nails. Some common domeless nail styles include:

  • Direct Inject: Offers a straight path for vapor into the piece with a heating dish and raised bowl leading into the downstem.
  • Daisy: Features a flat or curved surface with slits around the plate.
  • Angled Cut: More about aesthetic appeal, providing a visual variation from standard flat nails.
  • Banger: Characterized by a curved design, distancing the heating dish from the piece and usually featuring a bucket-like dish for better vapor containment.

Ceramic vs. Quartz vs. Titanium Nails

Ceramic Nails:

Almost exclusively domeless, ceramic nails are said to offer the best flavor but take the longest to heat up. They are the most affordable, ranging between $10 and $20 USD. However, they are prone to cracking and require careful, slow heating to avoid shattering.

Quartz Nails:

More durable than glass, quartz nails are believed to provide the purest taste. They are moderately priced ($20 to $40 USD) but show wear after a few months. Quartz nails heat up quickly (in about 20 seconds) but don’t retain heat long, saving butane and reducing burn risk. They can be used with domes or as domeless options.

Titanium Nails:

Mostly domeless, titanium nails are the most durable. Ensure you purchase certified titanium to avoid breakage from drops or heat over time. Opinions vary on whether titanium affects taste. They are the priciest (over $40 USD) and take about 30 seconds to heat up.

Halo Nails:

These have a unique design with an arch above the heating plate, allowing vapor to rise and enter through slits in the ‘halo’ during inhalation.

Universal (and Complete) Nails:

Designed to fit multiple joint sizes and both genders. Complete Universal nails accommodate all joint sizes (10mm, 14mm, 18mm) and both genders of connection.

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